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Championnats <B> de la section Québec

Sherbrooke 2020 - Jan 30 to Feb 2

Congratulations to :

Kenya Leilani Delloye - 7th in Juvenile less than 14 years

Earl Jesse Celestino et Auréa Cincon-Debout - Juvenile Dance Silver Medal

Kiara-Athena Delloye - 17th in Sans Limites less than 10 years


Sherbrooke - 2019

The Provincial B Championships for the Quebec Section of Skate Canada were held in Sherbrooke January 31 to February 3rd. 

More than 400 young skaters from throughout Quebec participated in this competition in the Sans Limites to Juvenile levels with the goal of being crowned Quebec Champions in their category.

Congratulations to Earl Jesse Celestino and his partner Auréa Cinco-Debout who earned the silver medal in the Pre-Juvénile Dance A category.

Congratulations to Kiara Athena Delloye, Kenya Leilani Delloye and Georgy Sader who proudly represented the CPA Saint Laurent.

Sherbrooke - Février 2018

Congratulations to all of our competitors:

  • Georgy Sader - Juvénile Messieurs moins de 14 ans - 
  • Earl Jesse Celestino et Auréa Cincon-Debout || Pré-Juvénile B Danse
  • Kenya Leilani Delloye - Sans Limites Dames moins de 10 ans
  • Kiara Athena Delloye - Sans Limites Dames moins de 8 ans

Pré-Juvénile Danse B:
Or Auréa Cincon‐Debout / Earl Jesse Celestino

(photo: Patinage Québec)

Our club is a non-profit organization run by volunteers who ensure the club is managed in accordance with the regulations and policies of Skate Canada
You are responsible to provide copies of all updated information via email ( 48 houres BEFORE registration:
  • Borough issued documents for Low-income families wishing to benefit from a discount. (Fall-Winter session only)
The Saint Laurent issued Carte Loisirs is mandatory for the creation and update of any skater account. The Saint Laurent borough carte loisir system is not linked to the club registration system. Parents must submit a copy of any update to the club a minimum of 48 hours prior to the registration. Registrations which have been completed without providing the mandatory documents and a confirmation of the account update will not receive the associated discounts. In accordance with the borough policies, no adjustments will be issued once the registration has been finalized by the account holder.