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Fall - Winter 2024-2025

Type of session : G - Group class, P - Private, semi-private class, lesson fee payable to coach

Click on button below to obtain the classess associated with this category of skater.

CanSkate - Dev

Group Classes

Junior Intermediate Senior

Version Aug 19, 2024

en min
Type de Cours SESSION

Dimanche / Sunday


8h55 - 9h05 10   FLOOD
9h05 - 9h15 10   TRANSITION
09h15 - 10h05 50  G 24A-PPD1 - DIM/SUN Patinage Plus / CANSkate (0-1-2) Gr 1
10h05 - 10h10 5   TRANSITION
10h10 - 11h00 50 G 24A-PPD2 - DIM/SUN Patinage Plus / CANSkate (0-1-2) Gr 2
11h00 - 11h15 15   FLOOD/TRANSITION
11h15 - 12h05 50 G 24A-PPD3 - DIM/SUN Patinage Plus / CANSkate (3-4-5) Gr 3
12h05 - 12h15 10   TRANSITION / Ramassage
13h15 - 14h05 50 G 24A-STAR1 - DIM/SUN Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson
13h15 - 14h05 50 P 24A-PPLECON1 - DIM/SUN PP en leçon - CS in Lesson
13h15 - 14h05 50 P 24A-JUNIOR5 - DIM/SUN STAR JUNIOR
14h05- 14h25 20 G 24A-PPDEV1 - DIM/SUN Relève PP - CS Dev (sur glace 14:05-14:25 - hors glace 14h30-15h10)
14h25 - 14h35 10   FLOOD

Lundi / Monday


18h10 - 18h20 10   FLOOD ( Col Blancs - fin 18h10) Debut CPA 18h20
18h20 - 19h10 50 P 24A-JUNIOR1-Travaille sur STAR 0-1-2-3 
19h10 - 20h00 50 P 24A-INTER_MIX1 - Travaille sur STAR 4-5-6  
20h00 - 20h10 10   FLOOD
20h10 - 21h10 60 P 24A-Inter2_Senior1 - STAR 6-OR (reussi)
21h10 - 21h20 10   FLOOD (Fin CPA 21h10 - Besoin Flood Sur Glace A 21h25 - 21h35)

Mardi / Tuesday


16h40 - 16h50 10   FLOOD (Début CPA 16h50)
16h50 - 17h40 50 G 24A-PPM1 - MAR/TUE Patinage Plus / CANSkate (0-1-2-3-4-5)
17h40 - 17h50 10   FLOOD
17h50-18h45 55 P 24A-JUNIOR2 - MAR/TUE STAR 0-1-2-3 (Junior)
17h50-18h45 55 P 24A-PPLECON2 - MAR/TUE PP en leçon - CS in Lesson
18h45 -19h40 55 P 24A-INTER_MIX2 - MAR/TUE STAR 3-4-5 (Inter1/Inter2)
19h40 - 19h50 10   FLOOD
19h50 - 20h55 65 P 24-Inter2_Senior2 - MAR/TUE STAR 6 - OR (Inter2/Senior)
20h55 - 21h05 10   FLOOD (Fin CPA 20h55)

Mercredi / Wednesday

17h15 - 17h25 10   FLOOD/TRANSITION
17h25 - 18h10 45 G 24A-STAR2 - MER/WED Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson
18h10 - 18h55 45 P 24A-TOUS1 - MER/WED STAR Tous (Jr/Int1/Int2/Sr)

Mercredi / Wednesday


16h55 - 17h05 10   FLOOD (Début CPA 17h05)
17h05 - 17h55 50 P 24A-TOUS2 - MER/WED STAR Tous (Jr/Int1/Int2/Sr)
17h05 - 17h55 50 P 24A-PPLECON3 - MER/WED PP/Adulte en leçon / CS/Adult in Lesson
17h05 - 17h55 50 P 24A-ADULTELECON1 - MER/WED PPlus/Adulte en leçon / CS/Adult in Lesson
17h55 - 18h05 10   FLOOD
18h05 - 19h15 70 P 24A-INTER_MIX3 - MER/WED Travaille sur STAR 4-5-6  
19h15 - 20h25 70 P 24A-Inter2_Senior3 - MER/WED STAR 6-OR (reussi)
20h25 - 20h35 10   FLOOD (Fin CPA 20h25)

Jeudi / Thursday


15h55 - 16h05 10   FLOOD (Début CPA 16h05)
16h05 - 16h55 50 G 24A-STAR3 - JEU/THUR Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson
16h05 - 16h55 50 P 24A-TOUS3 - JEU/THUR STAR Tous (STAR 0-10+ OR)
16h20 - 17h55 45 G 24A-STARDEV1 - JEU/THUR STAR Relève - STAR Dev 16:20 - 16:50 (Off ice) 16:55 - 17:55 (On Ice)
17h55 - 19h00 45 G 24A-PPDEV2 - JEU/THUR Relève  PPlus - CanSkate Dev 17:55-18:25 (On Ice) 18:30-19:00 (Off ice) invitation
18h25 - 18h35 10   FLOOD (Fin CPA 18h25)
Jeudi / Thursday CEGEP 18h00 - 18h50 50 P 24A-JR_INTER_MIX1 - JEU/THUR STAR 0-1-2-3-4-5 (Jr/Int1/Int2) 
18h50 - 19h40 50 P 24A-TOUS4 - STAR 0-10 + OR
20h00 - 20h55 55 P 24A-Inter2_Senior4 - STAR 6-OR (reussi)

Vendredi / Friday

14h55 - 15h05 10   FLOOD (Début CPA 15h05)
15h05 - 15h50 45 P 24A-TOUS5 - VEN/FRI STAR 0-10 + OR
15h05 - 15h50 45 P 24A-PPLECON4 - VEN/FRI PP en leçon - CS in Lesson
15h05 - 15h50 45 P 24A-ADULTELECON2 - VEN/FRI Adulte  en leçon - Adulte in Lesson
15h50 - 16h50 60 P 24A-TOUS6 - VEN/FRI STAR 0-10 + OR
16h50 - 17h45 55 P 24A-JUNIOR3 - Travaille sur STAR 0-1-2-3
17h45 - 17h55 10   FLOOD
17h55 - 18h50 55 P 24A-INTER_MIX4 - VEN/FRI STAR Travaille sur STAR 4-5-6  
18h50 - 19h45 55 P 24A-Inter2_Senior5 - VEN/FRI STAR 6 - OR (Inter2/Senior)
19h45 - 19h55 10   FLOOD
19h55 - 20h55 60 G 24A-ADULTE - VEN/FRI Patinage Adultes / Adults Skate
20h55 - 21h05 10   FLOOD (Fin CPA 20h55)
18h30 - 20h30 rendez vous P N/A - Hors Glace STAR l'entraînement vestibulaire / Off-ice Vestibular Training

Samedi / Saturday


11h25 - 11h35 10   FLOOD
11h35 - 11h45 10   TRANSITION
11h45 - 12h35 50 G 24A-PPS1 - SAM/SAT Patinage Plus / CANSkate (0-1-2) Gr 1
12h35 - 12h40 5   TRANSITION
12h40 - 13h30 50 G 24A-PPS2 - SAM/SAT Patinage Plus / CANSkate (0-1-2) Gr 2
13h30 - 13h40 10   FLOOD
13h40 - 13h45 5   TRANSITION
13h45 - 14h35 50 G 24A-PPS3 - SAM/SAT Patinage Plus / CANSkate (3-4-5) Gr 3
14h45 - 15h35 50 P 24A-PPLECON5 - SAM/SAT PP en leçon - CS in Lesson
14h45 - 15h35 50 G 24A-STAR4 - SAM/SAT Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson 
14h45 - 15h35 50 P 24A-JR_INTER_MIX3 - SAM/SAT STAR 0-1-2-3-4-5 (Jr/Int1/Int2) 
15h05 - 16h05 55 G 24A-PPDEV3 - SAM/SAT Relève PPlus - CS Dev (OFF ICE 15:00 - 15:30 & ON ICE 15:35 - 16:05)
15h20 - 17h00 55 G 24A-STARDEV2 - SAM/SAT STAR Relève - STAR Dev(Off-ice 15:20-15:30 / On-ice 15:35-16:25 /16:30-17:00 OFF ICE)
16h25 - 16h35 10   FLOOD (Fin CPA 16h25)

Samedi / Saturday


15h55 - 16h05 10   FLOOD (Début CPA 16h05)
16h05 - 17h05 60 P 24A-Inter2_Senior6 - SAM/SAT STAR 6 - OR (réussi)
17h05 - 18h00 55 P 24A-INTER_MIX5 - SAM/SAT Travaille sur STAR 4-5-6   (Inter1/Inter2)
18h00 - 18h55 55 P 24A-JUNIOR4 - SAM/SAT STAR Travaille sur STAR 0-1-2-3
18h55 - 19h05 10   FLOOD (Fin CPA 18h55)

JUNIOR: Badge 5 réussi et plus. Passed CANSkate Badge 5 and higher.
INTER 1: STAR 3 SL (Programme+Elements) et STAR 3 en danse ou habilités OU 14 ans et plus avec 2 saisons complet dans JUNIOR. Passed Complete STAR 3 FS (Program+Elements) and the complete STAR 3 in either dance or skills at the time of registration OR is 14 years old or more with two previous years registered in the JUNIOR category.
INTER 2: STAR 5 SL (Programme+Elements) et STAR 3 en danse ou habilités OU 16 ans et plus avec 2 saisons complet dans INTER 1 avec un test STAR 3 SL réussi. Passed Complete STAR 5 FS (Program+Elements) + STAR 3 Dance or Skills registration or skaters 16 years old with more than two previous years registered in the Inter 1 category with a STAR 3 FS test passed.
SENIOR: STAR 8 SL réussi (Programme + Elements) et le STAR 5 en danse ou habilités. Passed Complete STAR 8 FS (Program+Elements) and the complete STAR 5 dance or skills at time of registration.
STAR Groupe: Badge 5 réussi et plus Passed CANSkate Badge 5 and higher. Must take at least one session in private in addition to the group session.
Privé Private - Doit engager un entraineur. Must hire a coach. 
Maximum nombre de sessions en privé / number of sessions in private = 6 (inclludes development)
Maximum nombre de sessions en Patinage Plus / number of sessions in CanSkate = 2, Max PP en lecon = 1
Programme de développement n'est possible que sur invitation. Il s'agit d'une option supplémentaire pour les patineurs inscrits à Patinage Plus ou à Patinage Privé. / The development program is only possible by invitation. This is an extra option for skaters are registered in either CanSkate or Private

Our club is a non-profit organization run by volunteers who ensure the club is managed in accordance with the regulations and policies of Skate Canada
You are responsible to provide copies of all updated information via email ( 48 houres BEFORE registration:
  • Borough issued documents for Low-income families wishing to benefit from a discount. (Fall-Winter session only)
The Saint Laurent issued Carte Loisirs is mandatory for the creation and update of any skater account. The Saint Laurent borough carte loisir system is not linked to the club registration system. Parents must submit a copy of any update to the club a minimum of 48 hours prior to the registration. Registrations which have been completed without providing the mandatory documents and a confirmation of the account update will not receive the associated discounts. In accordance with the borough policies, no adjustments will be issued once the registration has been finalized by the account holder.