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Skaters skate on "Private Ice". The registration fee includes only the ice time fee. Skaters are responsible for hiring their coach and for paying for their lesson time. Skaters are encouraged to speak with other parents to possibly have the same schedule and have small groups of skaters in a lesson.

Option 1 - Private only

Option 2 - STAR Group lesson + 1 private.

Skaters must confirm their schedule with their coach BEFORE registering for a session as the coach may already be fully booked. An administration fee will apply to any changes made once the registration is finalized.

Link to list of coaches.

Back to full schedule.


DURÉE en min

Type de Cours SESSION
Dimanche / Sunday
13h15 - 14h05 50 P 24A-JUNIOR5 - DIM/SUN STAR JUNIOR
13h15 - 14h05 50 G 24A-STAR1 - DIM/SUN Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson
Lundi / Monday
18h20 - 19h10 50 P 24A-JUNIOR1-Travaille sur STAR 0-1-2-3 
Mardi / Tuesday
17h50-18h45 55 P 24A-JUNIOR2 - MAR/TUE STAR 0-1-2-3 (Junior)
Mercredi / Wednesday
B 17h25 - 18h10 45 G 24A-STAR2 - MER/WED Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson
18h10 - 18h55 45 P 24A-TOUS1 - MER/WED STAR Tous (Jr/Int1/Int2/Sr)
17h05 - 17h55 50 P 24A-TOUS2 - MER/WED STAR Tous (Jr/Int1/Int2/Sr)
Jeudi / Thursday
16h05 - 16h55 50 G 24A-STAR3 - JEU/THUR Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson
16h05 - 16h55 50 P 24A-TOUS3 - JEU/THUR STAR Tous (STAR 0-10+ OR)
16h20 - 17h55 45 G 24A-STARDEV1 - JEU/THUR STAR Relève - STAR Dev 16:20 - 16:50 (Off ice) 16:55 - 17:55 (On Ice)
Jeudi / Thursday CEGEP 18h00 - 18h50 50 P 24A-JR_INTER_MIX1 - JEU/THUR STAR 0-1-2-3-4-5 (Jr/Int1/Int2) 
18h50 - 19h40 50 P 24A-TOUS4 - STAR 0-10 + OR
Vendredi / Friday
15h05 - 15h50 45 P 24A-TOUS5 - VEN/FRI STAR 0-10 + OR
15h50 - 16h50 60 P 24A-TOUS6 - VEN/FRI STAR 0-10 + OR
16h50 - 17h45 55 P 24A-JUNIOR3 - Travaille sur STAR 0-1-2-3
Samedi / Saturday
14h45 - 15h35 50 G 24A-STAR4 - SAM/SAT Cours de groupe STAR / STAR Group Lesson 
14h45 - 15h35 50 P 24-JR_INTER_MIX3 Sam/Sat STAR 0-1-2-3-4-5 (Jr/Int1/Int2) 
15h05 - 17h00 55 G 24A-STARDEV2 -SAM/SAT STAR Relève - STAR Dev(Off-ice 15:20-15:30 / On-ice 15:35-16:25 /16:30-17:00 OFF ICE)
18h00 - 18h55 55 P 24A-JUNIOR4 - SAM/SAT Travaille sur STAR 0-1-2-3

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Our club is a non-profit organization run by volunteers who ensure the club is managed in accordance with the regulations and policies of Skate Canada
You are responsible to provide copies of all updated information via email ( 48 houres BEFORE registration:
  • Borough issued documents for Low-income families wishing to benefit from a discount. (Fall-Winter session only)
The Saint Laurent issued Carte Loisirs is mandatory for the creation and update of any skater account. The Saint Laurent borough carte loisir system is not linked to the club registration system. Parents must submit a copy of any update to the club a minimum of 48 hours prior to the registration. Registrations which have been completed without providing the mandatory documents and a confirmation of the account update will not receive the associated discounts. In accordance with the borough policies, no adjustments will be issued once the registration has been finalized by the account holder.