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Safety First

The arena is a public facility - do no leave your possessions unattended.

Designated changing rooms reserved for the skaters, please refer to the room listing at the arena and hall entrances.

DO NOT block the passageway by standing next to the boards. Parents can watch their children from the comfort of the stands.


If an alarm should sound, parents must exit the arena using the doors closest to the front entrance on Thimens. All ice level corridors must remain clear to allow skaters and coaches to exit rapidly. Skaters can meet their parents in the parking area.

Urban Security: 514-855-5700

Closest hospital: Hôpital Sacre Coeur 5400 Boulevard Gouin Ouest. (13 min 5.7 km)



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Our club is a non-profit organization run by volunteers who ensure the club is managed in accordance with the regulations and policies of Skate Canada
You are responsible to provide copies of all updated information via email ( 48 houres BEFORE registration:
  • Borough issued documents for Low-income families wishing to benefit from a discount. (Fall-Winter session only)
The Saint Laurent issued Carte Loisirs is mandatory for the creation and update of any skater account. The Saint Laurent borough carte loisir system is not linked to the club registration system. Parents must submit a copy of any update to the club a minimum of 48 hours prior to the registration. Registrations which have been completed without providing the mandatory documents and a confirmation of the account update will not receive the associated discounts. In accordance with the borough policies, no adjustments will be issued once the registration has been finalized by the account holder.